Backtrack 4 Beta (Debian)
Satu kabar yang cukup menggembirakan, buat para penggemar backtrack. Backtrack 4 Beta telah dirilis.
Berikut kutipan beberapa feature terbaru dari backtrack 4 beta, di ambil langsung dari site aslinya :
- Kernel with better hardware support.
- Native support for Pico e12 and e16 cards is now fully functional, making BackTrack the first pentesting distro to fully utilize these awesome tiny machines.
- Support for PXE Boot - Boot BackTrack over the network with PXE supported cards!
- SAINT EXPLOIT - kindly provided by SAINT corporation for our users with a limited number of free IPs.
- MALTEGO - The guys over at Paterva did outstanding work with Maltego 2.0.2 - which is featured in BackTrack as a community edition.
- The latest mac80211 wireless injection pacthes are applied, with several custom patches for rtl8187 injection speed enhancements. Wireless injection support has never been so broad and functional.
- Unicornscan - Fully functional with postgress logging support and a web front end.
- RFID support
- Pyrit CUDA support...
- New and updated tools - the list is endless!
Satu lagi, anda sudah dapat men download backtrack versi 4 beta, dengan size yang lebih besar dari sebelumnya 854 MB, DVD Image.
Buat kawan-kawan yang udah gk sabaran silahkan di donlod di sini(Backtrack 4 Beta)… Untuk server indonesia dijamin akan makin kenceng apalgi jika menggunakan IDM..
So Di nanti Backtrack 4 final release….
gmn kbr friend .. lma ga da kbr ne.
oiyaa.. blogx tmbh rame. di tunggu infox...(fandy)
mantap banget brow.tapi aku uda download tuh backtrack 4 final nya cuma belum aku install aja